Market Pauses

Definition of Market Pauses

Markets are paused when there are conditions which affect the reliability of the contract. Markets being paused means that no bets will be taking place for any rounds.

What causes Dopepool Finance Prediction market to pause?

The prediction market will pause under the following conditions:

  1. The prediction contract has been unable to obtain the price from the ChainLink oracle due to the oracle not having posted the price at the time the round has ended.

  2. The prediction contract has been unable to execute an action (ending a round or getting a price from the oracle) due to the tx being stuck in the mempool for longer than 15 blocks.

When will the markets resume after being paused?

The markets will resume when an admin (one of the chefs) manually resumes the market.

What happens to my position if the market pauses?

If the markets pause while you have a live position, your funds will be available to be reclaimed, the same way as you would normally claim your winnings.

To reclaim funds, you’ll need to pay some gas fees. We can’t compensate you for the gas fees, so please bear this small risk in mind before participating.

Last updated